My Kingdom for a job…
I did a tour of job agencies today in the sweltering (by English standards) heat, only to get not a single positive or encouraging response. I’ve discovered that there are few things in life that irritate me more than an employment consultant thinly veiling their deeply felt hostility with a studiedly sympathetic look. Their expression conveys ‘Ah, how pathetic. I feel almost sorry for you. Do you really think we’d employ someone who’s only just got round to going to agencies? You must have been home for at least a month now, and you wait this long to find a job? What does that say about your work ethic and motivation levels, eh? You’re a slob. A lazy, good for nothing layabout. We wouldn’t employ you if you were the last empoverished student on earth. You are a blight on our beautiful, industrious society. Get out of my sight, before I release the hounds.’ It may seem a complicated message for a single glance, but trust me, it’s there. What’s more, they may have a point.
I’m not quite sure what avenues to explore next really. I would have had a great (for ‘great’ read ‘lucrative’) job lined up for September at a factory, but I’m busy that month. While I’m on the subject, I’m away doing a production at the Minack theatre in Cornwall. (Minack Theatre). It’s a G&S operetta called ‘Utopia (un)Limited’ and I’m playing the part of ‘Sir Bailey Barr QC’. We don’t start rehearsing till September, and I don’t know much about my character as yet, but I think I’m going to be an insufferable stereotype. Should be fun.
In pretty typical style, I’m being creative with my displacement activities, and am now starting to learn Java. The logic goes that it’s constructive, and that it’s a useful skill that may help me toward gainful employment at a later date. Unlikely, admittedly, but at least it’s keeping my brain reasonably active during the holidays. Now, if only I could get the software working I could actually start learning something…