Star Wars & Hysteria…
Right, this really will be have to be a short update. While I am finding plenty of other ways to avoid working, for some reason I seem unable to conscience a long time spent blogging. Perhaps it’s because I can hide my other procrastinations from the world, and therefore pretend I’m not wasting time at all, while posting an extended rant on the internet confirms my credentials as a lazy slacker to a (potentially) wide audience.
Most important to mention is that I saw ‘Revenge of the Sith’ on Sunday, and to cut a long story short, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was certainly a whole lot better than the previous two, and though some of the dialogue was laugh-out-loud terrible, no one can pretend the original trilogy scored particularly highly on that front. Positives included the neat way it fitted into the originals, the impressive fight scenes, and the almost complete absence of the dreadful Jar Jar. Negatives included the aforementioned dialogue in the love scenes, the acting of Hayden Christensen and the fact that Natalie Portman didn’t wear that white outfit from ‘Attack of the Clones’ again.
Other than that, there isn’t really much to tell. My exams start in just over a week and I am doing a lot of work, but not nearly enough. Generally my concentration in the library is good, but there is the occasional lapse, a particularly extreme example of which happened this afternoon. In the middle of a silent and studious library, the stomach of the young lady sitting opposite me saw fit to growl extremely loudly. We both collapsed into a ten minute fit of ill-controlled laughter, triggered once again when my stomach decided to join proceedings (all be it at a lesser volume). Eventually I retreated to my room, unable to keep a straight face. It’s strange how hysteria can set in, and it gets to the stage where it doesn’t matter what amused you in the first place. It just becomes an unbreakable vicious cycle. I’ll head back to the library after I get some dinner, when hopefully I’ll be able to focus again…