Ok, I am now officially back, and will therefore be returning at full tilt to the blogging fields. Three weeks with only a mobile phone for technological company has ended, and, whilst my typing skills seem to have evapourated into the ether, I can now post properly without the need to wrestle my phone for overall creative control. (Predictive text input is such a double-edged sword.) There’s an overwhelmingly large amount of stuff to say about the three weeks in Cornwall and I don’t really know where to start, but at least now I’ve made first contact again I can feel free to blog about other things in the mean time. I’ll tell you all about the Minack in stages, and probably once I’ve got some visual aids to make things a bit more interesting.

I’m painfully aware how pants the weblog section of my site is looking at the moment. The link photo to my photoblog is too big, and the word ‘September’ has made the jump-box thing too wide for the sidebar as well. If I find time, I’ll change the width of the sidebar but for now you’ll just have to put up with it I’m afraid. I’m wondering whether I can spare the time to do a complete redesign of the entire site, in fact, since the the whole look now seems rather ill-advised. I could do with something a little more flexible, and that photo has to go…