Warning: Grumpy and opinionated content.

You’ve probably noticed the little banner that’s recently appeared on my site, and I strongly recommend you take a moment to visit the ‘Make Poverty History‘ website, and find out about their aims. The organisation is a branch of a worldwide movement, so I’m sure there’s an equivalent in the US too. A friend of mine commented on the new banner earlier this evening, and said something along the lines of ‘I can’t believe you put that on there’. At the time, I don’t think I even responded, but since then I’ve been thinking what an absurdly stupid thing it was to say. (Feel free to explain yourself in the comments section.) There’s nothing ‘uncool’ about supporting a campaign to ease world poverty, and whilst I don’t have one of the wristbands yet, once I do I will be wearing it.

Moving on to less political / confrontational subjects, I have a packed schedule tomorrow. In theory, I should be starting the day with two hours of lectures, but I don’t see that happening. I’ve got a singing workshop tomorrow afternoon, running from 12 till 5, with a lady who’s meant to be extremely good. (Can’t remember her name though.) It’s heavily subsidised by one of the Cambridge drama groups, and loads of the M&MG cast are going along. Then, I have a brief respite before visiting a media careers event, where I will be scouting out the companies involved in popularising science in the vain hope that some of them will have summer internship schemes I can apply for. Finally, I have a three hour rehearsal to get through. If I do make it to my lectures tomorrow, I’ll be looking at a non-stop day of 14 hours. I think I might just have that lie in instead…