This blog has been through a lot. Or rather, has existed for a lot. Or at the very least has maintained its existence while a lot of stuff happened. It began powered by Blogger in July of 2004, and has since moved through various incarnations. Over the past seven years it has given prosaic account of dull events, picked up an enigmatic title with corresponding domain, and latterly affected an inexcusably self-indulgent third-person narrative style. Eventually it morphed into a glorified photo blog, before finally finding itself dormant, bereft and abandoned.

So where lies its future? The slow death of Fyse’s Floating Face coincided with increased online activity under my real identity (particularly on Twitter), so how sustainable is this separate presence? Could I combine them? While I found the whimsical (self-indulgent?) slant this blog took toward the end to be enjoyable, it certainly doesn’t accurately reflect those things that currently preoccupy me. Any blog of mine these days would more likely involve a considerable amount of political pontification, and is this something that could be suitably combined with the musings of the Floating Face? Assuming readership groups for the two sides of my ramblings exist at all, would they be mutually exclusive…?

These are the things that preoccupy me. They don’t keep me awake, though. The dubious progress of my academic career takes care of that.

In conclusion, I guess I’m asking, is there anybody out there…?